Findings from the survey for people who make websites, 2008

Punching the Clock

Hours worked by organization type

Less than 20 hours 20-29 hours 30-39 hours 40-49 hours 50-59 hours 60 hours or more Total
I do most of my web work as a partner in a large company or organization. 1.1%2.1%16.2%56.0%15.1%9.4%100.0%
I do most of my web work as a partner in a small business. 2.5%5.9%14.4%40.6%21.5%15.1%100.0%
I do most of my web work as an employee of a company, university, library, museum, nonprofit, or other organization. 0.8%1.8%21.9%62.3%10.2%3.1%100.0%
I do most of my web work as an independent contractor/freelancer or owner of my own small business. 12.8%14.4%18.4%26.1%16.8%11.6%100.0%
I do most of my work as a student, hobbyist, volunteer, or other uncompensated role. 38.3%15.9%13.0%21.3%6.2%5.3%100.0%
Overall 6.7%6.4%19.6%48.1%12.6%6.5%100.0%

More than 75% of all respondents who are corporates work at least full-time (i.e., 40 hours per week of more), while just over half of freelancers do. Partners in small firms have the highest percentage of respondents who work more than 60 hours per week (15.1%), followed by freelancers, of whom 11.6% work over 60 hours per week. Freelancers are also the group among the careerists with by far the highest percentage of respondents working less than 20 hours per week (12.8%). The hobbyists/students, predictably, work the least number of hours.

Hours worked by age

Less than 20 hours 20-29 hours 30-39 hours 40-49 hours 50-59 hours 60 hours or more Total
18 and under 46.7%21.6%14.0%11.0%3.4%3.4%100.0%
19-29 8.5%7.4%19.9%47.2%11.1%5.9%100.0%
30-44 3.1%4.2%20.0%51.2%14.5%7.0%100.0%
45-64 6.2%7.9%17.4%44.1%15.1%9.3%100.0%
65 and over 18.2%21.8%21.8%18.2%12.7%7.3%100.0%
Overall 6.9%6.4%19.7%47.9%12.6%6.5%100.0%

The respondents 18 years and under, and 65 years and older have the lowest percentages working full time (17.8% and 38.2% respectively). The percentages of the other age groups working full-time are at or near the sample as a whole, with the highest being the 30-44 age group, at 72.7%. Almost half the 18 and unders work less than 20 hours per week. The age group with the highest percentage of respondents working more than 60 hours per week is 45-64, at 9.3%. These findings are consistent with the 2007 findings, although the age categories were different.

Hours worked by gender

Less than 20 hours 20-29 hours 30-39 hours 40-49 hours 50-59 hours 60 hours or more Total
Female 5.9%7.0%22.2%51.1%9.3%4.4%100.0%
Male 7.0%6.4%19.1%47.3%13.2%7.0%100.0%
Overall 6.9%6.5%19.6%47.9%12.6%6.6%100.0%

Gender distribution of hours worked

Less than 20 hours



20-29 hours



30-39 hours



40-49 hours



50-59 hours



60 hours or more






Female Male

Men and women report comparable percentages for working full-time, but more men work fifty or more hours per week (20.2% to 13.7% for women). These relative findings are consistent with the 2007 findings.

Hours worked by degree of web work

Less than 20 hours 20-29 hours 30-39 hours 40-49 hours 50-59 hours 60 hours or more Total
I don’t do any web-related work. 35.4%7.9%16.4%30.2%5.8%4.2%100.0%
Web-related work is a small part of what I do. 23.0%5.2%14.9%40.0%10.8%6.1%100.0%
Around a quarter of my work is web-related. 12.0%7.4%15.4%44.5%13.8%6.8%100.0%
About half my work is web-related. 8.5%8.3%18.3%43.6%12.9%8.4%100.0%
Most of my work is web-related. 6.4%7.4%19.2%46.6%14.0%6.5%100.0%
All or nearly all of my work is web-related. 4.7%5.7%20.8%50.5%12.0%6.3%100.0%
Overall 6.8%6.5%19.6%47.9%12.6%6.6%100.0%

Those who said web work is a small part of what they do, have a greater percentage who work less than 20 hours and a lesser percentage who work full-time than the sample as a whole. The other categories all have percentages of full-time workers at or near the sample as a whole. However, the more a respondent’s work is web-related, the less likely they are to work less than 20 hours per week. These patterns are consistent with last year’s findings.

Location of work

Employer's office


At home


Own office




Borrowed space on client's premises


Shared office space with other freelancers


Respondents were able to check all locations that applied.